Please contact Chris Barker
07986 802104
fitness training, personal training, Heathfield, East Sussex

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Chris Barker, personal trainer and fitness instructor, Heathfield, East SussexCB Fitness is run by Chris Barker

I have always loved exercise. Ever since I can remember I have enjoyed kicking or serving a ball, running on the track or taking a swim. It brings me a lot of joy. One of the reasons I became a personal trainer is to pass that enjoyment and experience on whilst helping people to improve their health and fitness levels.

I have had an abundance of teaching experience in a range of situations and with a variety of people - doing personal training and fitness instruction, working with large and small groups in circus skills workshops, and 1-on-1 drum tuition (another passion!) I believe there is a way to make any endeavour an enjoyable and profitable experience for all.

Whatever your age, requirements, fitness levels or personal situation, together we can create an exercise programme to move towards your goals, proceeding at a speed and intensity that works for you.



Level 3 Personal Training

Level 2 Gym Instructor

Emergency First Aid

Kettle Bell Workshop

VIPR Workshop


All qualifications through Premier Training.