Please contact Chris Barker
07986 802104
motivator, motivational fitness instruction, personal training, Heathfield, East Sussex

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It is no secret that physical activity uses energy which in turn burns calories. But how do you get the most out of a session? How do you accurately monitor your progress?

Know your goals

By setting clear, measurable goals you can pave the way to success. In the consultation we use simple tests and measurements to gain an understanding of where you are in relation to fitness levels. We can then use this information to set specific goals.

These goals come in the form of:

Short term

Usually a weekly or fortnightly target

Medium term

Monthly to 3 monthly target

Long term

6 month target or final target

You can set as many targets as you want. Ranging from four hours gym time a week to cutting out that extra take away night.

We then repeat the tests over a specified period of time in order to accurately measure progress. This method allows you to understand how your exercise and diet are effecting your body, and should serve as an encouragement that you are achieving your marker goals all the time on your way to smashing the big one.

Here are some of the tests we can use:

Body fat percentage
Body part circumferences
VO2 max
Blood pressure
Resting heart rate

Depending on your goals, other tests can be conducted.


How do we get the most from our clients in each session? well......


To get the best from any session the client needs to be motivated. We push clients to go that one step further each session in a friendly environment, helping to make your goals of tomorrow a reality today.

Every client is different, and we will treat you that way. There is no blanket ideal at work here. No matter what age, gender or long term goal we will be able to help you get there in an enjoyable and productive fashion.

Let's do this together!