Please contact Chris Barker
07986 802104
fitness training, personal training, Heathfield, East Sussex

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Our friendly, hour long consultations are the foundation for getting to know a client and their requirements and expectations from a trainer.

This hour is split into various sections all designed for us to get as much information as possible so we can effectively help and motivate clients.


This section is all about getting to know you, your body and your health. It is very important that we do this in order to ensure safe and profitable exercise. We gather information on:

Injuries, aches and pains
Level of current activity
Exercise likes and dislikes
Current diet
Family medical history

We then perform a series of static (still) tests to further learn about your physical health.


Blood Pressure and Resting Heart Rate

Allows us to understand the health and efficiency of your heart


Allows us to check for tight or loose muscles, which can lead onto pains and aches.

Postural Analysis

Allows us to test for spinal misalignments and also pelvic tilt.

BMR (Basal metabolic Rate)

Allows us to understand how many calories you would need to eat daily to stay at the same weight.

We will then perform some active tests to gain an understanding of your stamina and strength.


(Not all tests have to be used for every client, and other tests can be used depending on circumstances)

1000 Meter Row

Enables us to greater understand your general fitness level.

Balke Test

Designed to determine a client's stamina and VO2 max. Allowing us to understand how efficiently your cardiovascular system is working.

1 Rep Max

Allows us to assess a client's strength, using different exercises to test different muscle groups.

Estimated Strength Test

Allows us to estimate strength without ever using maximum exertion.

We will use this information to set specific goals.

Specific Goals

These are goals that we can measure in order to monitor progress and demonstrate positive changes along the way to the big goal. Examples are:

Short term goals (weekly or bi-weekly)

Cut snacking 3 nights a week / come to the gym 4 times a week / knock 10 seconds off your 1000m row time.

Medium term goals (monthly to every 3 months)

Lose 2.5% body fat a month / gain an inch on each gun / lose 3 inches around the waist.

Long term goals (6 month goal or final goal)

Lose 15% body fat / fit into a size 12 / Lift 20k more on chest.

Knowing these goals and measuring them regularly encourages hard work and allows clients to see the positive results of their efforts.

Food Diary

Finally we will provide our clients with a diary and ask them to write down their eating habits for the coming week as honestly as possible. We will then look at this together and suggest changes that will serve to accelerate meeting any of your specific goals.

The consultation is now done and the work can start on making a new you.



Call or email for further information, or to arrange an initial no-obligation free consultation