Please contact Chris Barker
07986 802104
fitness training, personal training, Heathfield, East Sussex

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Muscle Gain and Endurance

“I could never go to the gym before because of health issues resulting in many operations. Recently though, after overcoming all of this, I decided to try out the gym at the East Sussex National. After my first attempt I felt sick after 30mins as I was so unfit. I was determined to improve my fitness, signed up and booked an induction.

This is where I met Chris who developed a training program to build up my stamina. Chris also offered personal training and I committed to regular sessions to provide further focus on my physical development and overall well-being. Chris is an excellent trainer and motivator; he’s well organised, a good listener and he really knows what he’s on about including providing sound dietary advice.

The results are impressive, after only five weeks my body shape changed dramatically: my chest size increased by 2 inches, my biceps by 0.5 inches each whilst my thighs stayed the same but looked well toned. Further improvements were achieved by the consecutive assessment 5 weeks on again including knocking 21 seconds off of my 1000m row time (3:41!) and my 1 rep maxes exploding!”

Hamish Deans

Knee Injuries and Sports Conditioning

Tim Rylatt

Muscle Gain and 'Cutting'

“I considered myself to be a knowledgeable gym goer and had put on 1 stone in muscle mass over 2 years. The problem was, I had stopped seeing results and subsequently lost motivation. I bumped into an old friend and he had made some real gains. When I asked how, he pointed me in the direction of CB Fitness.

I signed up, and instantly started enjoying my workouts again. Every session was inspirational and unique. I continuously exceeded my own perceived limitations. It felt great and Chris was fantastic to work with throughout. He values each individual and works hard to make sure that progression comes quickly. We also created a tailor made healthy balanced high protein diet that works for me.

On this program I gained 1 and a half stone and lost 7% body fat in 6 months. I feel healthy and confident in the gym, my knowledge base has grown no end. We also improved upon my balance, acceleration, agility and flexibility making me more of a handful on the Football pitch.

If you want someone fun, inspirational and easy to work with who leaves no stone unturned I would recommend no other than CB Fitness.”

Matt Brush

Knee Injuries, Confidence and Endurance

“The last time I had a trainer was five years ago, I'm now 45 and have not done any training since. I have problems with my knees which makes many types of training hard to do. I have been training with Chris for six weeks twice a week, he has helped me build muscle around my knees which has brought me so far forward in such a short time. After just five weeks I have built muscle and shaved over two and a half minutes off my one mile run time. He keeps things well mixed so you don't get bored with training as we all know can happen. I would recommend Chris for what ever you need to achieve in your goals and training needs.”

Nick Clarke

Confidence, Toning, Flexibility and Stamina

“I met Chris a couple of years ago at the health club. I wanted to get fit but I didn’t have any motivation. Chris was easy to talk to and never pressured me into training. After many hours of talking about getting fit I decided to give Chris a try. He was great and very helpful. I'm not that young and Chris took that into consideration After one month of 2 sessions a week I suddenly realised I didn't feel out of breath on any of the machines. I highly recommend Chris. He knows what he is doing and he cares.”

Diane Payne

Back Pain, Fat Loss and Toning

''I have had Chris as my personal trainer for the last 10 weeks as I wanted to get into shape and tone up. I also had a lower back problem which was affecting my posture. I explained all of this to Chris and he devised a varied workout program that incorporated all of this. At first I was a little bit wary as I hadn't been in a gym for years but after a couple of sessions with Chris I was hooked.

Chris encourages me and pushes me through the workout which is what I need as, when I go to the gym by myself, I give up too easily. I really enjoy each workout session and I couldn't recommended Chris highly enough as he is a brilliant trainer, he is really easy to talk to and he put me at ease right from the start.

I can see the benefits as I am more toned, have lost weight and my posture has improved which in turn has really helped ease my lower back pain. Thank you so much”

Annette Parks

Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

I was looking to build muscle mass and lose body fat. Through my previous experience of training as a boxer for 10 years I knew that good motivation is key. It had however been a while since I last used the gym and I felt I needed the right person to push me through and to top up my knowledge. This is when I began training with Chris.

When I train I like to be worked hard. This is exactly what you get. Each workout progressing from the last and building in skill and difficulty. The variation of the training keeps me wanting more as you never know what you are going to be doing this time round. With a mix including; weight, circuit, agility, power, speed, HIIT, tabata and boxing training used (to name those that I can remember) the challenge never stops.

After just 10 sessions training and dieting (with a diet recommended and chased up by Chris) I had already started seeing my goals as reality. I have;

  • Put an inch on around both my chest and thighs and took 2 inches off from my stomach.
  • Lost 2% body fat.
  • Managed to shave 1 minute and 19 seconds off of my 1 mile run time.
  • Stabilised my blood pressure and my resting heart rate had come down into a healthier bracket.

For real training with progression I highly recommend Chris Barker of CBFitness.

Mick Gilbert

Fat Loss, Core Strength and Sports Conditioning

Chris at CB Fitness Training has provided top instruction and motivation throughout the ten sessions I booked with him. The programme he developed really met the goals I was trying to achieve, in other words he really listened to what I was trying to get out of the personal training.

Each session was different, which was a great surprise as I thought he would develop a routine that we would be repeated say every other session. This helped enormously with motivation and targeted different muscle groups each session whilst still focussing on the core.

Chris was always positive and motivating so consequently even during the challenging sections of a session I was able to get the most from the session.

Chris was very good at recognising when I was reaching my limit on a particular exercise or circuit but managed to give the right level of ‘push’ to get the most from it.

I would recommend him to anyone serious about personal training and that the results gained from his input make excellent value for money

Results after 10 sessions;


Chest: 40.5” 39.25”
Waist: 37" 35.5"
Arm: 13" 12.5"
Thigh: 22" 21"
Body Fat % 24.7% 22.06%
1 Mile run time 9:25 8:48

Andrew Taylor - Kite Surfer

Knee Mobility, Fat loss and Confidence

I've enjoyed working with Chris and discovered that I can actually achieve a lot more than I realised through exercising at the gym. Before starting with Chris I had never regularly attended a gym and did not have the confidence to workout by myself. I wanted to improve my overall general fitness and lose some weight as at my age (56) I know it is important to look after yourself through exercise and healthy eating. My husband and I cruise regularly and I wanted to be able to use the gym on the ship to stop piling on the pounds! I told Chris about a previous knee injury and he has worked with me to increase my flexion and mobility to great effect. Chris has pushed me but never made me feel out of my depth. He is patient but firm and has varied our workouts to keep them interesting and challenging. He has tailored the sessions to suit my ability and I have been delighted with the results. I would highly recommend him as a personal trainer.

Val Ridley

Motivation, Stamina, Fat loss and Confidence

I had never actually thought about using a personal trainer but my son in law arranged some sessions with Chris for me and I'm really pleased that he did! Having had major surgery for bowel cancer some three years ago and being over 60, I was conscious that I needed to take care and eat healthily alongside sensible and regular exercise. Chris has helped me achieve this goal and also offered advice on diet by asking me to complete a food diary. He is very thorough and when he first meets with you he takes a whole series of measurements, blood pressure reading and exercise tests so that he can assess your fitness level and measure your future achievements. I have found that to be a great way of seeing results and it has encouraged me to keep working harder. I am amazed at how my level of fitness has improved over the five months that I have been working with Chris and I feel about twenty years younger! Now that Chris is going abroad I know that I will be able to continue the good work that he has started with me and use the knowledge that he has given me to maintain my level of fitness. I'd be happy to recommend him to others and I am very grateful for his help and support.

Ian Ridley


Call or email for further information, or to arrange an initial no-obligation free consultation