Please contact Chris Barker
07986 802104
posture correction advice and training, fitness instruction, Heathfield, East Sussex

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Posture Correction


Postural misalignments are becoming more and more common. This can be put down to the way that we as modern people live our lives. A lot more time is spent sitting down and a lot less time moving around. We sit at work, we sit in the car to get to and from work, then we sit at home in the evening.

Our muscles are not being exercised enough to support the spine, which leads to slouching and in turn bad posture. The spine then becomes too heavily relied upon often pulling it out of place and wearing at the cartilage.

If this is not realised and worked upon, it can lead to pain, aches and tiredness. In old age these symptoms can magnify creating severe pain, a lack of mobility and produce other health problems including nerve damage.

Looking after your posture is a very important factor of health. So we need to work now to help ourselves feel and look better tomorrow.


The stress that the spine is put under must be alleviated. A lot of symptoms can be improved by exercising specific muscles to help strengthen the supporting muscles around the spine and core. This helps with pains, aches and also balance.

There are 4 main factors that we will look at in a 1 on 1 consultation:

Kyphosis – an excessive curvature in the thoracic spine
Lordosis – an excessive curvature in the lumber spine
Scoliosis – a twisting of the spine
Pelvic Tilt – an abnormality in the alignment of the pelvis

These misalignments all cause different symptoms in different areas but can easily be worked upon which will leave you feeling freer and more flexible.

In some cases the problem can be reversed. Having a pelvic tilt misalignment can cause lower back pain. But by stretching and loosening certain muscles whilst strengthening and tightening others your pelvis can be eased back into place. This takes the pressure off the lower spine and in turn alleviates the symptoms.

At CB Fitness we make sure that all of our clients get the right balance of exercising and stretching over a number of sessions in order to keep the body, or work towards making the body, even.