Please contact Chris Barker
07986 802104
muscle building advice and training,fitness instruction, personal training, Heathfield, East Sussex

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Muscle Building

Building muscle takes commitment. Stick to a well worked out routine and a high protein diet and the results will come. But how do we know when to change the exercises being performed? How do we know if they are the correct exercises to keep progressing?


First and foremost, before lifting heavier weights, your body should have gone through a preparation period of building up through lighter weights. This allows:

You to activate the correct nerves to be able to control the larger weights.
Your veins to dilate and providing the muscle with enough energy.
The joints to prepare for the heavier weights, minimising the chance of injury.

Split Routine

People looking to build muscle are well advised to use a split routine. A split routine may look something like this;

Monday – Back and Biceps

Tuesday – Chest and Triceps

Wednesday - Rest day

Thursday – Legs and Shoulders

Friday – Arms and Core

Saturday/Sunday – Rest days

You will perform several exercises for the relevant muscle groups.

The reason for isolating certain areas is to allow the muscles time to recover before they are used again. It is very important that they have time to rebuild and grow. You should never work a muscle group if it still aches, this can cause damage to the muscle fibres trying to heal.

So while your biceps and back repair, you can work your triceps and chest. This is because they are direct opposites.

During these rest days, proteins work to rebuild the muscle. Meaning the more protein you eat the more effectively your muscle will rebuild and grow.


Please look at the Nutrition page.