Please contact Chris Barker
07986 802104
targeted training, personal training, fitness instruction for specific goals

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Targeted Training

This can range from high jumpers needing more spring to getting rid of those 'bingo wings'.


High jumpers would be well advised to perform plyometric exercises. These boost power as well as enhance the effectiveness of your muscle spindles, which create that 'spring effect'.

If you suffer with Kyphosis (an exaggerated curve in the thoracic spine) we would target the rhomboid and trapezius muscles with exercise, whilst also targeting the pectoralis major and minor for stretching. This would help bring balance to your posture.

The 'bingo wings' can be targeted with toning exercises on the triceps and biceps and a healthy dose of cardio work.

Targeting the muscles needed to achieve and exceed your goals is a sure way to speed up success.


Aim towards achieving your goals, whether short, medium or long term. They all count.