Please contact Chris Barker
07986 802104
sports conditioning advice and training, personal training

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Sports Conditioning

Want to be the best you can at your chosen sport?

We can help to boost performance to get you to the top of your game!

These are enjoyable ways to train, and we can offer you the reward of overcoming your own boundaries.


Boosting power can help athletes in a variety of sports, whether it is tennis, football, rugby or wrestling. Increasing this attribute will enable you to overcome your rivals with a stronger serve, a longer kick or the ability to stand your ground. Power is the combined effort of speed, acceleration and force.


Increasing speed helps in many sports from football to hurdles, not just a long distance run. Speed can be increased by training specific muscles in the body to co-ordinate and work more efficiently together. This can be helped by increasing the number and work-rate of the very useful slow twitch muscle fibres.


This attribute is vital to so many athletes. Getting the perfect start can lead to glory. Even being able to get your foot to a ball a split second before your opponent can mean everything! Increasing your 0-60 requires an increase in the amount of fast twitch muscle fibres and your muscle fibre recruitment.


Agility is the ability to change direction as efficiently as possible at speed. A great attribute to have for a variety of sports. Very useful for anything from squash to being a winger in rugby. Agility allows the athlete to not only outsmart but also outmanoeuvre his opponent. If you catch someone off balance and make your move at speed, they won't stand a chance!

STAMINA (Endurance)

Improve the amount of time an athlete can keep a high work rate. This is a necessity in a wide variety of sports. Running, hockey, football, tennis, basketball, you name it. Stamina can be improved by increasing the efficiency of the energy systems. Improving your ability to rely on oxygen for energy will push back the build up and aching effects of lactic acid. Keeping you fresh for longer.


Increasing reaction time in accordance with speed and acceleration is a vital combination for many modern athletes. How to better increase acceleration? Be the first off the line. This is also a vital area for racing drivers. When travelling at high speed split seconds matter. A very useful area and can be a fun way to train.


This area is key in a variety of competitions. Whether it be weightlifting, rugby or boxing. Being able to hold off an opponent or strike that vital blow can be a win or lose factor. Increasing strength is an enjoyable way to train, which when mixed with a good diet can really push you to the next level.


Muscle weighs a lot. If you increase your muscle mass you will release a wealth of opportunity to your sport. You will be able to stand your ground, you will be seen as more of a threat. Most importantly you will feel like you have real presence on the pitch.


Athletes come in all shapes and sizes and good flexibility will allow the athlete to stretch that little bit further, making it easier to come out on top in awkward situations. Many athletes have tight muscles leading to a smaller range of movement. This can be worked on.


The ability to combine several distinctive and different movements together in order to create an optimal movement. This can include trying to control a ball whilst holding off other players, or timing the perfect leap and then powering the ball into the net. Whether it is table tennis or american football, good co-ordination gives you the control you need to master your speed, agility and power.


The ability to control the body's centre of gravity in relation to its support base. This attribute can keep you on your feet when others would have fallen. It is a key skill in a wide variety of sports. A good sense of balance will only serve to help.