Please contact Chris Barker
07986 802104
group fitness training, personal training, fitness instruction

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Solo or Group

As well as offering 1 on 1 sessions you can also book in as a group. Both are great ways to train with different benefits!

Training can take place at the gym, a local park or at your home.


Training 1 on 1 is great fun and allows the session to be fully focused around you and your goals. It is an optimal way to train and enables you to have a trainer's full attention. This method really allows us to focus on all of the areas that have been singled out in the consultation.

GROUP (2-4)

Group fitness training is a great way to get results and have fun along the way. Whether with a friend, colleague or a person with similar interests or goals, it is a great way to keep motivated and gain confidence.

These sessions will vary depending on your goals, ability and preferred types of training.


This has more of a class feel but allows the trainer to make each session a new experience. These sessions take inspiration from many different training methods and approaches. They can be a fulfilling, fun and economical way to train.